Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Thought for my Readers

I have said it before, and I will say it again....as much as I love that people read this...I don't write it for you. I write this blog for myself, as a way to remember my year hear in the past, and a way to let out some of the daily stresses we deal with.

That being said, I would like to remind everyone that you are not in Korea. Pretty obvious, I know. I have been getting word from different sources that people think I talk to much trash about Korea or that I should be doing things differently, or not writing some of the things I write in my blog. My situation is not unique. For every person who has a perfectly wonderful experience in Korea, there is another who has an absolutely horrid time. I fall somewhere in the middle. My time has been both horrid and wonderful. The biggest comment I get from people is that I sound so negative, that I am miserable all the time and should be enjoying it. Personally, I don't see where you can get that idea when I write about the crazy fun nights I have. I just also write about the stuff that annoys and frustrates me, or the stuff that I find odd.

I am not unique in the things I say about Korea. I know several people who are having a wonderful time here, and even when I am around them...the number 1 past time of foreigners living in Korea seems to be talking trash about Korea.

Anyone who has lived abroad will tell you that you cannot describe how it is. None of you are reading this who have never lived abroad cannot comprehend what it is like. Sure...you can visit a country, but in such a short time you are likely to find the quirks amusing at best. You are only there for a short time and soon enough you will be back home amongst family and friends doing what is normal for you.

When you live abroad, things get more extreme. Something you found odd or funny when you first got there suddenly becomes one of the most annoying things ever. That interesting food you ate that you really loved....now makes me you want to vomit when you think about it. Each person experiences it differently, but things are just more extreme when you are there for a long period of time.

Just because things bother me does not mean I am not enjoying my experience or at least taking something away from this. I am doing everything I can to get the most out of it. Every aspect of my life here cannot be shared in the blog...there isn't enough time in the day or it just really isn't that interesting.

So to those of you who are out there, if you take anything away from this post...please understand I am doing what I can here and am having fun when I can. However, just like back home not everything is going to be perfect, something are going to annoy you...and since I am so far away from home, those things are a bit more extreme. I understand things and my own situation over here far more than you do....so please stop judging, please stop telling people behind my back that I should be doing something another way, and please stop telling others that I am too negative on my blog.

You don't understand...and unless you pack your bags and join me...you never will.

As an aside, I recieved an email from a girl I graduated with who is currently living in Italy who deals with the same crap I get...and here is the email she sent me.

"Hey there,

I'm a bit behind in reading your blogs but just skimmed through the blog about people's perspective on your life abroad.

smile, it has been one of the HARDEST things to ignore or to not get pissed off at - having people treat your life abroad like it's just vacation. I loathe this...and HATE when people are like, "Why aren't you traveling more?" "Oh you are so lucky." "Oh what are you upset at that?" "It's not a big deal - it's ITALY!" They don't, and never will, understand the culture shock and all the emotions that happen for people living abroad.

People don't realize that I still have to wake up, go to work, put up with work bs, pay my bills etc...most people will never get it. They don't realize the cultural and linguistic difference because they have never experienced it!!

Ignore there comments or tell them that you still have to live your life...it just happens to be in another country and it's not vacation for you.

You and I don't seem like the kind of people who are ALWAYS going to find the BEST thing about a situation or are ALWAYS going to smile about EVERYTHING - that's bs - that's not life. I know people who are always smiles about everything and it really gives a wrong impression to others who have never experienced being abroad...

Just wanted you to know - you aren't alone. It's a pain in the ass to get people to understand your perspective and that you appreciate the opportunity (good and bad) but it's the CULTURE SHOCK experience that they will never understand. And some of the coping with that is just being upset or angry with things...smile, we bash Italy too - more like WTF's!

Good to know that someone else feels it :-)

Take care Josh."

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