Saturday, May 15, 2010

New Apartment, New Job

So last Wednesday I received a phone call from my new boss who simply asked me “are you ready?”. I’m like “Ready for what?”. “Ready to move.” As it turned out he wanted me to move to a new apartment that day, but wasn’t going to give me any notice. So I literally spent the whole day packing up my apartment to move about 10 minutes away to a new location. I wasn’t sure what furnishings I was supposed to leave in the old apartment, so I took the things I wanted and left the place a little trashed when I moved out. I figured this was my payback for the countless times he knocked on my door to tell me to lose weight. My new apartment is bigger, which is nice. I do like it, but unfortunately it is not in Bukde anymore…and that is where all the fun is! Ah well. The apartment didn’t have a bed when I moved in and the manager asked me to sleep on the floor for a few days, which I refused to do. Luckily I was able to get a truck so I could go back and steal my bed from the old apartment to sleep on. It’s a terrible bed, but a lot better than the floor. The manager also didn’t have internet set up yet, so I was stuck going without internet for a few days, which was agony.

I started the new job the following day, and the manager obviously had no idea what to do with me. There were no classes for me to teach, so he sat me in a room and wanted me to read student books. I asked him if I could go watch the other teacher, which I did for the whole day. It’s was kind of boring, but the teacher, Joseph is really cool, so that made it a lot easier. After work, the boss sat me down and tried to get me to agree to go with him to the gym every morning at 6am. I told him it wasn’t going to happen. He said he was disappointed because I promised I would lose weight. On Friday he pulled the same crap with wanting me to go to Church on Sunday with him…but I also refused. He just signed a contract with the building for apartment and he paid to have my visa transferred over…so I guess it is his move now.

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