Tuesday, June 22, 2010

12 year old bitches

I am convinced one of the girls at my school is trying to get me fired. I have no idea why she hates me the way she does…but she has been going all out to get me fired. Joseph my co-worker feels the same way, as he has heard them discussing me (in Korean) in his class, It all started last Thursday (6/17/10) when she told my boss that I hit her. This was of course backed up by another student. On Monday, the class she is in said I was sleeping in class and reading a magazine. Then on Tuesday, she said I was trying to steal her property.

In response to the stealing of property, she pulled a rope, (yes, a ROPE) out of her bag and tried to throw it around me. I grabbed it and tried to take it from her. She wouldn’t let go and a tug of war ensued. My boss walked in, he made me let go of the rope, and nothing was said to her. In regards to the sleeping in class….this is obviously not the case, unless I have developed a skill of correcting pronunciation while sleeping. However, with the lack of enthusiasm these kids put in to the reading, it would NOT be hard to fall asleep.

The magazine, I will admit I was reading….but only because the kids were listening to a story on CD. I listen to these kids read the story 100 times, I do not need to be listening along with the CD while they do. As soon as the CD ended, I put the magazine away, and continued with the class.

Not I will address the alleged hitting of a female student, backed up by a “witness”. Obviously this is a complete fabrication. Why the hell would I, a 28 year old man, hit a 12 year old girl? There is absolutely no benefit for me to do something like that, and it really pisses me off. What pisses me off more…guess who’s side my boss is on this whole situation? He is ALWAYS on the side of the students when they complain about Joseph or me. It’s really frustrating when I can’t get any kind of support from my asshole boss.

At this point, I swear Korea is just out to get me.

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