Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 3

Today I moved in to my apartment. Holy crap is it small. Like...I had some theories on how small the place might be, but this blows them out of the water. It is called a one room apartment...and they mean it. The bed sits against the wall on the floor. On the opposide side of the room sits a tiny tv that has a terrible picture, sitting in front of double glass doors that lead a tiny 1.5 foot annex that houses my fridge and washing machine. There is no dryer...just a rack to hang the clothes from, which I am not excited about because that means once I run out of clean clothes, the rest of my shirts are are going to be hard and scratchy from air drying. To the left of my bed is a small sink and stove I don't plan on ever using...which leads directly to the smallest bathroom in the history of mankind. I have a Korean style shower, which means that there is no shower curtain and all the water just goes on to the floor where it drains. This means that if I need to use the bathroom any time within a few hours of taking a shower, I had better take off my socks, otherwise I will have some wet feet. I still haven't figured out where everything is going to go, as I don't have adresser or anything like I will have to hang up my shirts...but I am not sure about what to do with the underwear. I was also saddened and dismayed to find out that my Xbox360 can't handle 220V. This shocked me, since my cell phone charger, laptop, and every electrical product I brought other than my alarm clock...all can handle 220V. I bought a stepdown converter that can handle 2000 watts...but the damn thing failed on me immediately...and fried the power brick of my 360. So now I am left trying to figure out how to replace it...preferably with a european style brick so that I can get back to playing NHL10...which I am definately jonesing for.

Side Note: My passport was stolen from my hotel room. Fucking wonderful, eh?

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