Friday, July 30, 2010

Josh tries live Octopus

So let it be known that on July 30, 2010, I tried something I never thought I octopus. I was invited out to drink Makkoeli, a weird Korean alcohol that I am told is made the same way as beer is, so for all you home brewers out there I mm assuming (but not entirely sure) that Makkeoli is like drinking beer wort...but more alcoholic. It tastes NOTHING like beer, so I don't quite trust this claim....but regardless.

The whole experience is a lot of fun. You have a metal kettle that you pour the makkoeli into small bowl...and drink from the bowl. With each kettle of makkoeli you buy, the also send you some kind of food to eat with it...and the more you buy, the better the food. When you empty a kettle, you hold it up in the air and shake it and it makes a loud clanging noise.

Well after a little while, the owner brought out a plate with some greens on it...and a LIVE OCTOPUS. She then tossed it on the plate and because cutting it up with a scissors with some scary precision. Once it was all cut up, the pieces are all still moving and it looks terrible.

The lady handing me a piece which immediately suckered itself to my tongue. I started to chew and chew...and chew...and chew....and chew. It was very rubbery. It didn't have much of a taste, but the texture was off putting, and had this weird creamy/buttery slime on the outside that I almost choked on. It was definitely an experience...but not one I want to have again any time soon.

Heres a video:

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