Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Last night I got into an elevator with a group of children who suddenly had a panicked look on their face, as if I was going to break the elevator. So, just to scare the crap out of them....I jumped.

Monday, August 30, 2010


In Korea, the common method for punishing students (at least at my school) is to hit the students with a stick...HARD (I do not partake in this). The thing that confuses me...is the students don't learn from the mistakes. They just do the same thing the next day and are hit again....

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Random thought

Today my free talking class asked me how much I weigh. I said 2000kg (4400 lbs). They believed me. They asked me what I ate for dinner. I said 20 large pizzas from Dominoes. They believed me. Kids will believe anything.

Also, for some reason every time I see people welding in Korea...they are NEVER wearing a mask. What the hell is that about?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


My boss is very much against me and my co-workers from talking to each other...ever, going so far as to stand next to us whenever we are talking or even telling us to go to our rooms. Today he asked me what my co-worker Joseph and I talked about. I said that we just talk to de-stress between classes. He said he didn't understand what would cause us stress. It was very hard not to say "You".